Filmography (selection)

  Title   directed by
2020 Ingo Thiel III tv movie Markus Imboden
  Geliefert - Delivered tv movie Jan Fehse
  Weißbier in the blood feature film Jörg Graser
2019 Munich murder (11 & 12) tv movie Jan Fehse
  The Non-Word tv movie Leo Kashin
  We are the law tv movie Markus Imboden
2018 Munich murder (9 & 10) tv movie Jan Fehse
2017 Hanne tv movie Dominik Graf
  Weissensee (Season 4) tv series Friedemann Fromm
2016 Reformation tv movie (2x) Uwe Janson
  Summer Party feature film Sönke Wortmann
2014 Weissensee (Season 3) tv series Friedemann Fromm
2013 A borrowed identity feature film Eran Riklis
2012 Beloved Sisters feature film Dominik Graf
2011 Weissensee (Season 2) tv series Friedemann Fromm
  The invisible girl tv movie Dominik Graf
2010 Dreileben - Don't follow me tv movie Dominik Graf
2009 Weissensee (Season 1) tv series Friedemann Fromm
  Bella Block - Vorsehung tv movie Max Färberböck
2008 Face to face with crime tv mini series Dominik Graf
2007 Ganz nah bei Dir feature film Almut Getto
  The Vow / Das Gelübde tv movie Dominik Graf
2006 Vacation feature film Thomas Arslan
2004 Alone feature film Thomas Durchschlag
  The Syrian Bride feature film Eran Riklis
2003 Woman driving, man sleeping feature film Rudolf Thome
2002 Red and Blue feature film Rudolf Thome
2001 Vest pocket venus tv movie Kirsten Peters
2000 Family Dog tv movie Britta Krause
  A fine day feature film Thomas Arslan
1999 Blonde seeking millionaire tv movie Markus Imboden
  Trust me dear tv movie Berno Kürten
  Paradise is a trap tv movie Manfred Stelzer
1998 Dealer feature film Thomas Arslan
  Polizeiruf 110 - Katz und Kater tv movie Manfred Stelzer
1996 Geschwister/Kardesler feature film Thomas Arslan
1993 Karakum feature film Arend Agthe
1992 Grüß Gott, Genosse tv movie Manfred Stelzer
1990 Wonderyears / Wunderjahre feature film Arend Agthe